Sunday, February 16, 2020

Family Medical Leave Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Family Medical Leave Act - Research Paper Example The employees should meet the 1250 minimum working hours under their current positions, as well, to gain eligibility to have the leave. The law outlines the procedure for the acquisition of a leave under the act. An eligible qualified employee for the leave files a thirty-day advanced request for leave. The acceptance of the request filed by the employee depends on the employer’s receipt of the required documents for approval. There is a provision for eighteen days for the return of certification healthcare forms from a qualified healthcare provider. Non-compliance with the provisions outlined in the procedure amounts to non-approval of the request for the leave. At the end of the leave, the employee brings a notification, from the health provider, stating the position of the employee to return to duty. The notification shall provide, where need be, restrictions that the employee should consider in relation to the execution of duty. The notification submission is a day before the employee returns from the leave. The FMLA covers a number of categories of employers in various sectors. It covers employers who have fifty or more than that number of employees under their service. It covers state employers. Also covered in the act are local government employers. The later does not have any provision of the minimum number of employees (Alexander & Alexander, 2005). Under the law, there are provisions that allow employees to who is eligible to take work leaves. The employees’ right to take twelve weeks to leave should have its basis on the various reasons stipulated therein, within any period of twelve months. The circumstances, under which the break can be granted, include the birth of a child. An employee also has the right to a work break within twelve months period to take care of a newborn. The law also provides for work breaks for employees for reasons of placement of a child, by the employee.  

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-sections and Longitudinal Re Assignment

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-sections and Longitudinal Research for Measuring Life Course Changes - Assignment Example As seen in the work of Quadagno (2014), cross-sectional research is advantageous as is allows making comparisons between diverse aged persons of different age cohorts. This is to mean that the researchers can ask similar questions to different persons then make comparisons from the responses given through analysis and evaluation. Secondly, cross-sectional studies are advantageous as they have the capacity to survey the age differences in the attitudes and the conduct of the aged (Quadagno, 2014; Settersten & Angel, 2011). This explains the extent to which the cross-sectional studies are valid in an assessment of the aged. However, the cross-sectional studies as indicated by Quadagno (2014) and Settersten & Angel (2011) have the disadvantage that they do not have the capacity the changes that occur as the person's age. The studies, therefore, is a key concept in gerontology. As seen in the research conducted by Grenier (2012), longitudinal research is the most appropriate way of studying the age. First, Quadagno (2014) indicates that through the longitudinal research, it is possible that the researcher traces the development of them as they progress over time. The second advantage of the longitudinal research revolves around the fact that this kind of research, is better placed for differentiating between the age, period as well as the cohort effects. However, the major disadvantage of longitudinal research as Quadagno (2014) writes relates to cost issues. Since the longitudinal research involves tracing the development of individual overage, the researcher may incur lots of costs in an attempt to follow-up progressive growth of individuals. In this perspective as well, it is important to note some of the persons may even die prior to completion of the research. Conclusively, the past events of  the life of an aged person play a role in gerontological research. Longitudinal and cross-sectional studies contribute a great deal to the study of the aging population.Â