Monday, December 23, 2019

Human Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence - 1233 Words

More than often, we encounter the idea of computers becoming smarter and surpassing the human brain; opinions like these are accepted by the general public and are perceived skeptical by scientists, psychologists, and philosophers alike. The concern is not between machine and brain, but whether human ingenuity is as exceptional as or better than nature itself. The human being, a natural part of the world, has evolved from lower organisms to much higher, complex creatures; eventually the evolutionary process occurred because we were able to interact with our environment and being shaped by it physically and mentally, as this interaction was at an all-time high, we came up with intelligence. Intelligence has fascinated man since the dawn of time, and lead man to create one of the greatest innovations that rivaled human intelligence: artificial intelligence. The competition between human intelligence and artificial intelligence ultimately leads to the battle of nature and science. Event ually these two forms of intelligence, human and artificial, must coincide and it must be understood how each would interact with one another and be utilized. The latest technology incorporates some sort of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software (). All types of machines and software contain some sort of artificial intelligence, even the simplest ones. AI is a system that perceives its surrounding environment and takes actionsShow MoreRelatedHuman Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence1545 Words   |  7 Pagesconsensus on what human intelligence is, how it works, and how it is formed. There are several different theories as to what intelligence is, and there is no concrete explanation of intelligence. Despite these uncertainties, many have proposed the idea modeling human intelligence and creating artificial intelligence. Many see artificial intelligence as a way to bypass human error and to improve jobs by completing them faster and more accurately. They argue that artificial intelligence can be basedRead MoreArtificial Intelligence And Human Intelligence1312 Wor ds   |  6 PagesArtificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is the technology that involves computers and machines displaying it’s own intelligence. The practical uses for computers making their own decisions is a very important technology to develop, because this would allow the deployment of robots in environments too harsh for humans to brave, such as other planets, or even war zones. While artificial intelligence is a very good idea, true human intelligence will be very difficult to reach. While a computerRead MoreArtificial Intelligence And Human Intelligence3752 Words   |  16 PagesARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Name Mohammed Warsame Institutional Affiliation 26th January, 2015 â€Æ' Table of Contents Artificial Intelligence 3 Abstract 3 Project Outline 4 Introduction 5 Factors that inhibit a human from executing the rational decision 6 Soft Computing Domains Inspired by Biology 8 Soft Computing 8 Artificial Neural Network 9 Genetic Computing and Evolutionary Computing 10 Emotions and Artificial Intelligence 12 Neural Network Inheritance 12 Is there need to Inherit the Entirety of theRead MoreHistory Of Human Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence1513 Words   |  7 PagesThe history of human culture is a continuous development of the social world and the natural world. Their identity is realized through the system of signs and symbols. The symbolic signification of a wide range of cultural events and facilities helps in streamlining human living space in all periods of its development and existence. Signs and symbols are one of the most meaningful concepts in culture. They represent a universal category, which implies a juxtaposition of the objective image and itsRead MoreThe Separation of Human Intelligence from Artificial Intelligence2155 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿The question of what it means to be human, and what might separate human intelligence from artificial intelligence, has never been more important, because humanity is rapidly approaching the point where technological development will allow the creation of genuinely creative thinking machines. Philosophers, scientists, and even fiction authors have grappled with the ethical implications of this possibility, but many of the ethical quandaries faced by these thinkers are predicated upon a misguidedRead MoreDifference Between Artificial Intelligence And Human Intelligence1751 Words   |  8 PagesDifference between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence In addressing the differences between AI and human intelligence, one must have a cogent and accurate definition of intelligence. By definition, there is no real difference between true AI and intelligence, as it is only intelligence that is ‘man-made’ and has the ‘ability to learn and change itself’ (Oxford, 2013). The major difference between AI and human intelligence is that human intelligence is the original form while AI is anRead MoreArtificial Intelligence And Human Science1309 Words   |  6 Pagesfield of human science. Artificial hearts and wombs are successful in transplants, and more utilizable prosthetic limbs are being introduced to the world currently. In college, students are learning how to program a robot hand that can replicate basic motions of a human hand. From there, scientists are attempting to place artificial mechanoreceptors that can alert the brain in a more simplistic way an actual hand feels objects. This paper considers the hypo thetical of artificial intelligence being incorporatedRead MoreIs Artificial Intelligence Becoming Mightier Than The Human Intelligence? Essay933 Words   |  4 Pages Introduction The human mind is the most complex part of the body of a human being. Intelligence is defined as the mental ability to reason, solve problems and learn. The cognitive ability of the brain changes through variations in the environment. The human brain has evolved over time hence an opportunity to improve the intelligence of the human species. The evolution of language is the most qualitative change of the conscious brain that differentiates us from other creatures. JohnRead MoreThe Human Brain And The Functioning Of Artificial Intelligence1587 Words   |  7 Pagesthe human brain and the functioning of artificial intelligence. The purpose of my essay is to do exactly that – reconcile the difference by defending the argument that computers cannot think to the extent of biological human minds. I am in no way making a radical assumption that computers lack the ability to think at all, but there is a significant difference between concrete and abstract thinking which I will be r eferring to at a later time. I will make my argument against â€Å"strong artificial intelligence†Read MoreHuman Relations With Robot Companions / Artificial Intelligence1286 Words   |  6 PagesEmotions dictate our entire lives. For better or for worse emotions influence our actions, thoughts, personalities, and more than we are even aware of. Emotions make a person who they are. Humans are in fact emotional beings. The thing is we sometimes let our emotions control our every action, both good and bad, without even knowing it. Through emotions, however, we develop a sense of who we actually are as well. Within the works Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Immigration Research Paper Free Essays

Immigration Research Paper Free Essays Limits on Immigration Is Reform on Immigration somewhere in the near Future? Research Paper What is the first thing that comes to mind when one might think of Immigration? Possibly what is the United States current Immigration Policy? Would you even think that it is considered to be one of the most debatable topics constantly? There are two sides to every debate; I have been assigned to the pro side for immigration stating that I feel that there should be limits placed on immigration to our country and also more regulation of illegal aliens. The controversy over Immigration first started when migration reached a peak in the early 1900’s when between the years of 1900 and 1910 over 1 million immigrants entered the United States each year. (Hsu, 2009) Ever since then, immigration has constantly been in debate. We will write a custom essay sample on Immigration Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Immigration is the powerful strength behind U. S. population increase, right now accounting for half of total net population boost. Our countries population growth, which at three million per year right now is the maximum in the developed world, is a main cause of many of the United States problems and presents a severe risk to our limited natural resources such as topsoil, forests, clean air and water, and healthy ecosystems. Statistics are saying that the population of the United States in the year 2050 should be around 500 million. The population is not just growing, but it is rapidly increasing. Some states are becoming so overpopulated with this rapid growth that people are comparing them to be growing more immensely than that of some third world countries. This extremely rapid growth is beginning to put a vast strain on our countries natural resources, cities and environmental health. There is beginning to be many conflicts connected with massive population growth, such as heavy traffic, air pollution, water and energy shortages, extremely overcrowded schools, declines in purchasing authority and quality of living, tax increases, and soil erosion. †(WHY A 100,000 LIMIT ON IMMIGRATION IS REALISTIC AND NECESSARY) However, the average American citizen’s birthrate is at substitution level. What most of the American population doesn’t realize is that â€Å"over 70% of the United States expansion is due to mass- immigration of people generated into the population growth. †(Immigration) A supreme restraint on legal immigration would considerably decrease on both existing and future chain migration. This restriction would give the United States time to even out the current population, address the problems created by over-stressed city infrastructures and poverty, and to form an environmental policy to protect strained natural resources. A halt would then give time for new immigrants and poor citizens alike to achieve better opportunities through higher salary and improved learning opportunities. â€Å"The Untied states currently takes in over one million legal immigrants each year, which is more than all other developed nations in the world, combined. †(Immigration Regulation) The absolute number of immigrants has basically affected our country’s ability to continue to contribute for newcomers and natives equally, and to put it simply has only added to America’s problems. Immigration reform has been recently been brought to attention by the Obama administration â€Å"pushing amnesty for illegal immigrants. The Administration has also reversed a number of policies that had improved enforcement. These changes have included ending work place raids and a shift toward â€Å"catch and release† of illegal immigrants, instead of detaining them and deporting them. Rather than chase comprehensive immigration reform, the Administration and Congress should ensure that the existing policies on border security, interior enforcement, and non-immigrant visas are working. (McNeill, 2010). What the Obama Administration should be doing is not pushing so much emphasis towards amnesty, but instead focuses on fixing the problems happening along the border, in the cities, and in the U. S. visa system. An incremental approach should be used to solve these problems, focusing foremost on the security of the border and following through with enforcing immigration laws w ithin the United States, while making visa services more successful and bringing them up to date with the realistic demands of the U. S. economy. The Three-Legged Stool of Immigration Policy During a speech given by Janet Napolitano, U. S. Secretary of Homeland security, she referred to the â€Å"three-legged stool† of immigration reform, where she described the legs as â€Å"serious and effective enforcement, improved legal movement for families and workers, and a firm but fair way to deal with those who are already here. The stool is considered to be initially unstable. The three-legged stool of immigration policy would be more stable if it used the following three legs: Border ecurity, Effective interior enforcement, and an efficient and dynamic visa and naturalization system. Leg #1: Border Security. The U. S. has made some advancement on border security, but a large amount work still needs to be done. Secretary Napolitano’s three-legged stool assumes that this piece has already been accomplished. In addition, the U. S. cannot be convinced how much of this development is the product of improved U. S. border security and how much is the product of the recession, which has reduced economic incentives to cross into the U. S. illegally. Leg #2: Interior Enforcement. Instead of building on past progress, over the past year the Obama Administration has overturned a number of successful core enforcement efforts that began under the Bush Administration. Secretary Napolitano has argued, â€Å"We have replaced old policies that merely looked tough with policies that are designed to actually be effective. †(McNeill, 2010) Leg #3: The Naturalization System. U. S. isa and naturalization programs remain unproductive and the country still lacks a stimulating part-time worker curriculum that legal immigrants can use to come to work in the United States. Advocates with both pro-immigrant and restriction views on immigration have convincing points that could be lead in the direction of reform. â€Å"Those that are in favor of the need for improved enforcement argues that reform is needed to both strengthen border security and to put together a dependable interior worksite system to prevent employers from hir ing those not certified to work in the United States. (Tessada, 2010) And those in favor of legalization would like a program that allows immigrants who have lived in the United States for a certain number of years and who are suitable to apply for legal status and the right for occupation to work. In conclusion, when it comes down to immigration, people need to be able to trust the system. Americans need to know that their government is fully dedicated to enforcing the law and securing the border—and that this responsibility is being taken care of very seriously. Law enforcement needs to be better equipped with the legal tools and the required funds to deal with border-related and immigration-related crime. †(White, 2010) Immigrants need to be able to plan ahead for the future —they need to know everything that is included in the laws once they have been reformed, there is going to have a system that actually works, and that the general nature of our immigration laws will last, and they need to know that they will have as many responsibilities as they do human rights. Works Cited How to cite Immigration Research Paper, Essays

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ramona Essay Example For Students

Ramona Essay It was a Saturday morning, and I thought it would be a good time to go to thebeach with my friends since I had nothing to do for the rest of the week. So Idecided to call my best friend Sarah to see if she wanted to drive with me downto the beach Unfortunately, she had a wedding to go to, so she was not able tomake it. I was a little disappointed, but I decided to go to the beach bymyself. I left home at 3:30 p.m. and arrived at 5:00 p.m. to the beach house. Everything looked the same wa as it did last summer when I came with my sister. The only difference was now I was alone, and that was little scary. The nextmorning I went to one of my favorite cafes The Italian Coffee. This Cafe heldgood memories since last summer I worked there. The owners Mr. Roger and Mrs. Roger told me that a job was available if I wanted to work. I thanked them, bute lained that I had other plans for the summer. I told them that the restaurantlooked great since it had been renovated. It was very noisy and crowded, yet ithad a wonderful atmosphere that customers like. Perhaps, it was the Italianmusic and the w derful smell of fresh coffee that attracted them. Suddenly alady came over to my table and asked, How are you, Raquel? I told her, Im sorry Maam I dont recognize you!. She replied, Oooh, Raquel , ImElizabeths aunt. I said, Of course, excuse me. We started talking about hthe place was crowded, and she told me that she had to meet a friend here, butshe had not shown up. I told her that it was nice seeing here, but I wasexpecting a call and I had to go. She promised me she was going to tellElizabeth to call me so w could get together for lunch soon. When I got home tocheck the answering machine, the telephone rang. It was mom. She said that Sarahwas planning to co me Monday, and if I needed anything to give her a call. Ithanked her and said, You are not going to believe where I just came fr ?. Shequickly replied, Dont even ask it The Italian Coffee. You are right I giggled. The Rogers are doing great, working like crazy trying to makeeverything perfect , I added. She said, Honey, Ill give you a call Fridayn ht OK!. Good bye!. So far my day was going great. I sat down and watchedMTV. It was a re-run of The Real World. I quickly fell asleep on the couchfor two hours and was awakened by the door bell. It was Claudia Roger explainingthat her mother had told her that was in town, so she decided to drop by. I toldher , Im glad you came by. Are you doing anything for lunch?. When Claudiatold me that she was available, we decided to go to the Dixie to get a cheeseburger. On the way to the Dixie , we made a quick stoop by the shoe store to askMr. Edwards to tell his daughter that I was going to meet her at 5 oclock so wecould play volley ball wi th my friends. Mr. Edwards was concerned because he hadeard rumors about a kidnapper in town. Since Elizabeth and I were running late ,we didnt really pay munch attention to what he was saying. When we got home,Claudia left to go to work. Feeling in the mood for going to the beach, I packedall my th gs and drove there. When I got to the beach I couldnt find myfriends, so I grabbed a magazine and all of the sudden felt asleep. Waking frommy nap, I had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. I went backto the shoe store in the mall to tell Mr. Edwa s that I didnt see his daughterdown at the beach. He didnt know where she was either. He became hysterical anddecided to close the store for the rest of the day. We decided to search thewhole area including the mall first, but we couldnt find r . We called thepolice and the FBI . When they arrived, they searched the area for a few hours. .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc , .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc .postImageUrl , .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc , .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc:hover , .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc:visited , .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc:active { border:0!important; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc:active , .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u654784092e0bf86a8ecb50a1d1ffd5fc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Necklace: The Downfall of Mathilde Loisel EssayUnfortunately, they could not find any trace of her. They suspected she wasmurdered , kidnapped , drowned , or ran away because everything looked veryspicious. Mr. Edwards asked me if I wanted to come along to his house to tellthe bad news to his wife. When we got to his house, we told her the bad news. She looked very depressed and sad. She came along with us to Sunny Beach to seeif they had found any trace of her. The first thing we saw were crowds of newsreporters reporting the bad news. The d ectives were searching for clues. All ofthe sudden Mr. Roberts cellular phone rang. When he answered the phone, heheard a mean and mysterious voice. This man told him that he had kidnapped hisdaughter . As he was negotiating with the man, the an told Mr.Edwards to bringfive hundred thousand dollars at five oclock tomorrow. He instructed him toplace in the telephone booth on Maple Street . He warned Mr. Edwards that if hesaw any police officers or any suspicious people near the phone ooth after fiveoclock he would kill Stacey. This caller promised Mr. Edwards that if hebrought the money, he would return his daughter unharmed. When Mr. Edwards hungup the phone, the police organized a plan to locate and arrest the kidnapper dbring Stacey home safely. The police would arrest the criminal as he tried totake the money and would return the money to Staceys father who had borrowed itfrom the bank. We were very lucky; everything went as planned. First thekidnapper set Stacey free, then he grabbed the money. At once the police madetheir move, arrested him and took him to jail. Relieved and happy, Mr. EdwardsTom hugged his daughter. Stac told me that this experience had changed her lifeforever. She was very scared and was relieve that she was safe . When Staceysmom heard the news, she felt relieved and was happy that her daughter was alive. A week later the kidnapper was sentenced to thirty years in prison., but heescaped from jail the next night and still free . Nobody knows his location. Realizing the mystery at Sunny Beach wont be solved until he is found andreturned to prison, decided to leave. I called home late that night and told myparents that I would be back the next day. My mom couldnt believe I had alreadyhad enough of the beach and wanted to know why I had changed my plans. All Icould say was, You probably wo t believe me when I tell you See you soon!.