Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Unitarianism Universalism free essay sample

In a discussion numerous inquiries were posed about this exceptional and differing religion that engages its assemblies to instruct and develop how they see fit. â€Å"By making companions of my Enemies, I annihilate them. † Abraham Lincoln. These words hodl exceptionally consistent with the Unitarian view, without group or one sided rehearses that gap individuals one can venerate openly. â€Å"We need individuals to learn in a manner that is certain and instructive, yet keep up an open perspective so they can all the more likely comprehend the manner in which different societies adore. † (Rev. M. Walker, individual discussion) The start of the Unitarian Movement steps back to the year 1793 with the development of the Universal Church of America, they believed that God doesn't damn any individual perpetually and in the end they accommodate with the maker in time. The Universal Church was very foreword in their way to deal with being abolitionist subjugation well before it was a mainstream development, anyway this would about be its ruin, the same number of clergymen filled in as Chaplains in the Army during the Civil War. We will compose a custom exposition test on Unitarianism Universalism or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In any case, through fire and flares, the development suffered and started to thrive as their perspectives turned out to be increasingly well known after the Civil War. While Universalism now was a totally unique â€Å"religion† than Unitarianism, which believed that God was not a Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), yet all were a similar perspective. While no place as sorted out as the Universilist development, they despite everything had man well known supporters, and turned out to be increasingly pervasive during the 1930s. The two would anyway In 1961 as the two associations saw a chance to build their quality they consolidated into the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, by joining powers they could all the more likely spread their lessons and improve their congregational nearness all through the world. This mix of powers improved the relations with numerous assemblages, yet in addition considered them to spread into different networks conveying their message to new ears. Numerous Unitarian Universilist assemblies joined the social equality developments when the mix of the gatherings, and were among the first to help during the 60s in the south, and numerous individuals from the assemblages were segregated, scorned, if not had hurt done to their people because of their convictions in uniformity and ground breaking. This liberal view has proceeded into today, as ardent enemy of contention supporters they restricted the first Gulf War and activities in Afghanistan and Iraq (Unitarian Universalist , 2007 ). This isn't to state they are against war, however that they accept that significant open clash probably won't have been vital when different alternatives could have been utilized. Unitarianian Universalist holy places have taken the cutting edge in same-sex relations, excusing and supporting same-sex marriage.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Renaissance and how this Era influence fashion trends and designers Essay

Renaissance and how this Era impact style patterns and originators now days - Essay Example zed apparel turned out to be increasingly famous as sewing and sewing advances got far reaching and the world moved into the period of industrialization (Breward). It was then definitely that the style business was conceived; from this time forward the idea of design appeared. Renaissance is one of the signs of design and social developments spreading over from fourteenth to the seventeenth century (Zirpolo). It enveloped craftsmanship and design as well as affected science, writing, legislative issues just as numerous different parts of human life profoundly affecting the lifestyle (Zirpolo). It is nothing unexpected, along these lines, that originators additionally fell prey to the style set apart by this development which are followed to date. Works from acclaimed style originators from Italy and Germany, including Rene Ward, Andrew Mc Clellan and John Sir Michael Struck were the signs of the Renaissance development. The design drifts that developed in this time were assorted, extending from flares and wide barrel-molded clothing to smaller, slimmer outfits. Maybe dominant part of the patterns that rose up out of the Renaissance time look to some extent like contemporary design. Articles of clothing were viewed as an image of riches for the nobles and wealth just like the case today; in spite of the fact that it was all the more so in those days in the Renaissance period. Articles of clothing were seen as decorations of riches, making distinct divisions between the rich (nobles) and poor people. This keeps on being a pattern to date. Dim hues specifically were favored trying to exhibit decorations, gems and different frill (Moose). The more lucid the fitting (with cuts and styles) the higher the renown of its proprietor and the more exceptionally choice the attire was thought of. (Breward). The wealth didn't settle on attire in any event, during intense occasions, just like the case today. Garments is still observed as vital to the depiction of flourishing and riches (Mack). This is obvious to date in, for example, Great Britain where th e Royal Family proceeds to excessively

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Who needs Black Friday anyway

Who needs Black Friday anyway ^Every patch is a memory, every tear has a tale. These are the stories we wear. Worn Wear Buying new stuff is fun. It provides that instant rush of novelty that consumerism thrives on. And hey, I’m not immune. But there’s also something sentimental about celebrating stuff you already have. It becomes part of you. My favorite (and well-used) fleece or puffy jacket will always remind me of certain backpacking trips in the Sierras, or favorite climbs in Yosemite. Gear becomes attached to specific memories and stories, the same way that a certain song can conjure up memories of middle school. That’s something that a shiny new parka will never provide. Yesterday, instead of lining up at midnight for the Black Friday frenzy and buying new stuff, I decided to take a different approach. I first went with my friend Emily Y. 15 to a Worn Wear gear swap hosted by the local Patagonia (you may have heard of their prominent anti-Black Friday ads). Later I dropped by the local climbing gym with a new friend. ^ hey Steph, youre blog famous!!!11cos(0) Instead of swiping credit cards, we enjoyed free food, refreshments, and music. At the Worn Wear event, I traded stories with some grizzled climbers about our favorite places in Yosemite, and swapped some old gear I had for other people’s used things. At the climbing gym, we climbed until our forearms burned and our fingertips wore out, then refueled the stoke with some ramen at ShabuMein. That sounds more in line with the spirit of Thanksgiving than a shopping spree. Speaking of Thanksgiving, every year our lovely Simmons Hall housemasters John and Ellen host a giant Thanksgiving feast, buying lots of food out of their own pocket. So, a shoutout to them, and all the wonderful volunteers who helped make the feast possible! ^I cant find my photos from the feast, so here is a photo of Simmons instead. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving â€" and if you went home, safe travels back!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Fauquier Gas Company Case Study - 1561 Words

Running Head: FAUQUIER GAS COMPANY CASE STUDY Fauquier Gas Company Case Study First Last Name Course Name Professors Name Date Case Name: Pacific Healthcare I. Major Facts Fauquier Gas Company is one of the largest supplier of gas in the United States. Bill Murphy is the manager of Supply Management and is responsible for purchasing of materials used in distribution of gas such as pipes, meters, and fittings as well as other various materials. The supply organization falls directly under the vice-president for operations. II. Major Problem Fauquier Gas Company is slated to begin a new project to turn an area once used for agricultural work into a residential and commercial property. This means that new gas lines must†¦show more content†¦IV. Choice and Rationale Given the situation and the timeline, I believe Mr. Muphys best option would be to discuss the specifications with the design engineer and try to use the same dimensions used previously with a trusted mill. The communication within the supply chain seems to be flawed and damage control must be implemented in order to meet deadlines established by the company. V. Implementation Mr. Murphy should discuss the issue of the timeline and the negative impact on design changes with the vice-president and see if the current mill used can meet the June start date. If they are able to get enough produced to at least start project with guaranteeing the rest either prior to start or soon after then Mr. Murphy needs to place the order as soon as possible in or der to give the mills some kind of lead time. It currently takes, on average, 35 minutes to make a 45 section of gas pipe (Net4Gas). That equates to 473 pipes needed to cover 3.5 miles at 35 minutes per pipe. The total project would take 276 hours which equates to 34 days based on a 40 hour work week. If the dimensions are kept the same and the molds for the pipes are all ready set to go by the mills, then production could begin immediately and the timeline to start in 6 weeks could continue as scheduled. Mr. Murphy just needs to get place the order as soon as possible. Appendix 1. There are several key facts in this case study that causesShow MoreRelatedFauquier Gas Company Case Study1547 Words   |  7 PagesRunning Head: FAUQUIER GAS COMPANY CASE STUDY Fauquier Gas Company Case Study First Last Name Course Name Professors Name Date Case Name: Pacific Healthcare I. Major Facts Fauquier Gas Company is one of the largest supplier of gas in the United States. Bill Murphy is the manager of Supply Management and is responsible for purchasing of materials used in distribution of gas such as pipes, meters, and fittings as well as other various materials. The supply organization falls directly under theRead MoreCase Study 2: Fauquier Gas Company901 Words   |  4 Pages Case Name: Fauquier Gas Company I. Major Facts: In this case study presented by Hood (n.d.), Fauquier Gas Company is up against a timeline to supply a new construction project in the works where agricultural land was being developed into residential and commercial use. Fauquier Gas Company is looking for supplier to help with building of 3  ½ miles of new gas pipe that will go online by beginning of September. The manager of supply management Mr. Murphy is having trouble getting any purchasingRead MoreCase Study 2: Facquier Gas Company Essay873 Words   |  4 Pages Case Study 2: Facquier Gas Company TLMT313: Supply Chain Management XXXX xxxx The case study link is provided below for the Case Study 2 Facquier Gas Company. Read and study the case and complete the questions at the end of the study. Use the case study outline below to assist you with your analysis. Questions should be answered using case study format. Ensure that you adequately explain the problem, describe alternative solutions and justify your recommendation. This exerciseRead MoreFauquier Gas Company2093 Words   |  9 PagesTitle of Paper: Case Study -2 Name: Asbel Muniz Matta Class Name: TLMT 313 University Name: American Military University Instructor Name: Keith Wade I. Mayor Factor 1. Mr. Bill Murphy, manager of supply management for the Fauquier Gas Company in the Carolinas. 2. Fauquier Gas Company, as one of the nation’s 440 gas companies. 3. Served an area where land use was changing from Agricultural,Read MoreFauquier Gas Company Essay1808 Words   |  8 PagesCase Name: Fauquier Gas Company I. Major Facts 1. Fauquier Gas Company is one of 440 gas companies in the United States. 2. Mr. Bill Murphy is the manager of supply management in the Carolina’s. 3. Mr. Murphy is responsible for the purchase of materials used in the gas distribution process such as fittings, pipes and meters. 4. Mr. Murphy is also responsible for the procurement of furniture, stores management, materials forecasting and control, systems and forms. 5. Supply falls under the

Friday, May 8, 2020

History And History History Repeating Itself - 774 Words

When it comes to the topic of history repeating itself, some say that history is like a pattern that does nothing but repeat itself. Other say it does not repeat itself but that it rhymes. Some proclaim on their believe, that there is no connection between and history event that leads to â€Å"history repeating itself†. Different claims are made however I am one to believe that history does repeat itself. It does not repeat itself by event occurring exactly the same, yet with similar attitudes to certain thing. Similar situations are always occurring just with different people, time, and in different ways. Two similar ‘events’ that occurred in history were that of slaver and that of the holocaust. Both Occurred in different times, yet both happened because of discrimination towards people of a different race than those committing the acts. These two ‘events’ are a reflection on how poor people reactions where, and how history tends to repeat itself, j ust in a different matter. History repeats itself and the way to show it is the two horrific events in different but similar ways a, the Holocaust and slavery and the poor reaction on people. Both the holocaust and slavery had to do with discrimination. They both focus on discrimination a certain race, and/or on an aspect of appearance. The pain was different both in a way quite similar. Both were forced to work for another ‘race’ that felt more superior to them and other races. Both would have to go through the pain ofShow MoreRelatedHistory Is Repeating Itself By James Baldwin1807 Words   |  8 PagesHistory is Repeating Itself Introduction Over the past few years, there have been multiple cases involving what some claim to be police brutality. The past couple of years have had incidents reminiscent of the sixties. Racial tensions have risen and numerous ongoing riots have broken out. There has been fires and lootings and such due to these riots. The question is, is America going back in time? In December of 2014, a monthly magazine called â€Å"The Progressive† republished an article written byRead MoreDoes History Matter? Essay994 Words   |  4 Pagesstudents, lawyers and many more have relied on history books and researches on significant events in history to prove their point. The question why history matters has been asked many times. It has been asked by students, teachers and parents sometimes. Some people may see this question as ridiculously easy but I see it as one of the hardest ones yet asked. Does History matter? This question can’t be answered in one sentence. Try asking people why history is important and the answer is usually â€Å"It’sRead More The Hypocrisy of Teaching American History Essays630 Words   |  3 PagesThe Hypocrisy of Teaching American History Reading, writing and arithmetic, these three subjects are the basic outline for American schools. In those subjects, where does history fit in? Some believe that teachers avoid history because of how corrupt America has been. James W. Loewen, author of Lies My Teacher Told Me, says, Parents may feel undermined when children get tools of information not available to adults and use them in ways that seem to threaten adult-held values. (Loewen 296.) TheRead MoreConflict Repeats Itself739 Words   |  3 Pageshappen over and over again, therefore history does repeat itself in regards to conflict. Different rulers (or people) from different time periods may have the same reasoning and opinions so they handle conflicts the same way, same types of conflicts which involve country fighting a country happen all across the world no matter the time period and people all over the world have went against the government. All of these things support why history does repeat itself when talking about conflict. FirstRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Khmer Rouge920 Words   |  4 Pages1.7 million dead. Men, women, children, some innocent, some not. According to Ben Kiernan, The Cambodian genocide is one of the three worst genocides in the history of the world. It was one of the most atrocious acts, since 1945, ever done on its own people by Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot. When Cambodia won its independence from France, it was ruled by Prince Sihanouk. In February 1969, the United States was secretly bombing Cambodia. A year later, a small communist party called Khmer Rouge, startedRead MoreThe Theory Of Knowledge Has Reflected Upon For Many Years Now1384 Words   |  6 Pagessystematic organization of facts,† is a quote said to shed light onto what knowledge really is. Two particular Areas of Knowing (Human Sciences, and History), have been identified as following this quote, but I disagree. The human sciences uses people as the basis for gaining knowledge, and is not only the systematic organization of facts. Likewise, History is more complex and person dependent, rather than only being a systematic organization of facts. The human sciences is a unique area of knowledgeRead MoreThe Second Prophecy Of The Bible1056 Words   |  5 Pages(Days of Ezekiel). The parallels in the description of occurrences between ancient times and modern times are almost identical. With the direct fulfillment of two prophecies in Ezekiel, it seems as if history truly is repeating itself. If one is able to reach this conclusion that history is repeating itself in a chronological manner based on the overwhelming similarities between ancient and modern historical occurrences, then preparing for the next occurrence could not be more crucial. The next occurrenceRead MoreThere Are Several Instances Where It Appears As If History1300 Words   |  6 Pagesit appears as if history repeats itself- the Salem Witch Trials, Red Scare, Holocaust, Japanese Internment Camps, and many more. Could Trump’s Travel Ban be a new addition to this list? The Salem Witch Trials is known as a dark and embarrassing time in our history, yet t he same events seem to re-occur in history. Mass hysteria continues to influence our society to make destructive decisions. As a result of history repeating itself, a person can conclude America may be repeating the Salem Witch TrialsRead MoreKing Leopolds Ghost860 Words   |  4 Pagesplunder of the Congo and the rest of Africa was brutal, but so was the European settlement of North America and, long before that, the conquest of most of European by the Romans. Hasn’t history always proceeded in this way? Well yea, history has a way of repeating itself. Nothing only happens one time in history. There is always going to be those crazy Hitler type people out there and those who go power drunk and take over their country and then try to take over the world. And yes, wheneverRead MoreAnalysis Of Retouch Yourself : The Pleasures And Politics Of Digital Cosmetic Surgery1429 Words   |  6 PagesSo the real question that is being discussed here is to what extent should images be modified or if they should even be modified at all. Another point that Sheehan discusses in this chapter is that history appears to be repeating itself, Sheehan states that â€Å"We might say history is repeating itself, as the aesthetic and ethical questions raised by digital manipulation in fashion and celebrity photography recapitulate debates first wages in the 1870’s† (Sheehan, 2014, p. 184) This can be backed up

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Plot Summary Young Goodman Brown Free Essays

The story begins when the young Goodman Brown is saying goodbye to his wife, Faith. She asks him to stay with her, saying that she feels scared when she is alone. Goodman Brown tells her that he must travel for one night and reminds her to say her prayers and go to bed early so she will safe. We will write a custom essay sample on Plot Summary: Young Goodman Brown or any similar topic only for you Order Now Goodman Brown walks on a road through a forest. He looks around, afraid of what might be behind each tree, thinking that there might be Indians or the devil there. He soon comes upon a man in the road who greets Goodman Brown. More Summary of Devil at My Heels The man is dressed in regular clothing and looks normal except for a walking stick with a serpent carved that he carried. Goodman Brown and this mysterious figure go into the dark forest, the man offers Goodman Brown the staff, he says that it might help him walk faster, but Goodman Brown refuses. He says that he came to their meeting because he promised to do, but does not wish to touch the staff and wants to return to the village. Goodman Brown tells to him that he feels ashamed to socialize with him because he and his family members is Christian and good people. The man replies that he knew Goodman Brown’s family and other members of churches, and even the governor of the state. The purpose of their journey is to join in a ritual. Goodman Brown expresses reluctance, not only once but several times. He refuses because he says that he wants to return to his house for Faith. At that moment, there is a woman come and Goodman Brown knew that she is Goody Cloyse, who he knows to be a pious, respected woman from the village. He hides, ashamed to be seen with the man. She identifies him as the devil and reveals herself to be a witch, on her way to the devil’s evil forest ceremony. The man gives Goodman Brown his staff then the man tells him that he can use it for transport to the ceremony if he changes his mind. Then he hears the voices of the minister of the church and Deacon Gookin, they are also on their way to the ceremony. Goodman Brown swears that even though everyone else in the world has gone to the devil, for Faith’s sake he will stay true to God. And, he hears voices coming from the ceremony and thinks he recognizes Faith’s voice. He screams her name, and a pink ribbon from her cap flutters down from the sky. After he knew that Faith has turned to devil and there is no good in the world, Goodman Brown gets the staff, which brings him quickly through the forest to the ceremony. When he arrived at the ceremony, he looks around to the forest, the trees are on fire, he sees his father, his mother, the minister, Deacon Gookin, Goody Cloyse and Martha Carrier. He and Faith approach the altar and they are to be anointed in blood to seal their alliance with wickedness. He tells Faith to look up to heaven and resist the devil, but suddenly he finds himself alone in the forest. The next morning Goodman Brown returns to Salem Village. Everyone that he passes is seems evil to him. He sees the minister and he refuses to accept the blessing from the minister who blessed him. He hears Deacon Gookin praying and he calls him as a witch. He sees Goody Cloyse quizzing a young girl on Bible verses and snatches the girl away. He sees Faith at his house and refuses to greet her. It’s unclear whether the meeting in the forest was a dream or not. But, Goodman Brown is changed. Now, He can’t believe the words of the minister, doesn’t trust anyone in his village, and doesn’t fully love his wife as before. He lives in the rest of his life with gloom and fear. How to cite Plot Summary: Young Goodman Brown, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Intersexuality And Scripture Essays - Gender, Sex, Intersex

Intersexuality And Scripture Intersexuality and Scripture Sally Gross As a brute physical phenomenon, the bodiliness of people like us who are born intersexed challenges cherished assumptions about sex and gender made by many people within Western society. A variety of social institutions, including the dominant canons of medical practice and conceptions, much of the domain of the law itself, and some of the religious teachings which have loomed so large in the history of the West, tend strongly to support the notion that sex and gender is a dichotomy, and that any given human being is either deterninately and unequivocally male or determinately and unequivocally female. Congenitally intersexed physicality gives the lie to this dichotomous model of sex and gender. It is scant wonder, therefore, that fundamentalist Christians, who could be expected strongly to support the dichotomy which looms so large in the idealised model of the family, should feel threatened by the phenomenon of intersexuality and should seek to find religious arguments against it. It is not uncommon for Christian fundamentalists, faced with intersexuality as a brute fact, to adduce scriptural grounds for the condemnation of avowed intersexuality, at least, as ``unnatural'' and as something which is at odds with the will of God as expressed in the order of creation. This theological condemnation of lived intersexual identities also finds expression in unconditional support for surgical interventions, as early as possible, aimed at making the unacceptably ambiguous bodies of intersexed infants and children conform to the dichotomous model, in which there is no room whatsoever for ambiguity. This apparently religiously-motivated endorsement of surgery is insensitive to the fact that in most cases surgery is not necessitated by any real threat to the life or health of the infant, so that it is purely cosmetic in character. It is also insensitive to the fact that such aesthetically-driven surgical interventions frequently give rise to medical problems later in lif e, and can therefore be directly detrimental to the health of an otherwise flourishing intersexed person. Two Biblical proof-texts in particular tend to be cited as part of this rejection of intersexual identities and to show that intersexed bodies must be cut into conformity with the male/female dichotomy. The first of these texts is Genesis 1:27: ``So God created man [the Hebrew is ``Adam''] in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.'' This is claimed to show that human beings are, by virtue of the divine ordering of creating itself, either male and not female or female and not male, and that nothing intermediate or ambiguous is sanctioned. The second of these proof-texts is Numbers 5:3 which, in connexion with those who contract particular ritual defilements, commands that ``you shall put out both male and female''. Those who brandish this verse note that ``both male and female'' means everyone, and that this implies that there can be no-one who is not unambiguously male or unambiguously female. Both proof-texts, but particularly Genesis 1:27, are cited in defence of an absolute division between the sexes which will not tolerate anything in between. Let us therefore look at Genesis 1:27. I am not personally a Biblical literalist, and doubt that the two Biblical stories of creation (a priestly account, in Genesis 1:1 - 2:3, and what is called the Yahwist's account, in Genesis 2:4 - 2:24) were even intended to be taken literally. For all that, it is interesting to note that Genesis 1:27, the proof-text for Biblical literalists who wish to argue that hermaphroditism is somehow unnatural or unscriptural, is perhaps more ``herm-friendly'' than many Biblical literalists realise or than translations suggest; and there are early Jewish exegetical traditions which undermine its use as a scriptural rejection of intersex identity. Genesis 1:27 and Numbers 5:3 (which also has a section which the RSV translated as: ``both male and female'', used as synonymous with ``everyone'') have sometimes been thrown at me in order to argue that God created all human beings determinately male or determinately female with nothing in-between. It has been used, in my experience, to argue that a person like me does not satisfy the Biblical criterion of humanity, from which it was inferred that I am